Wow, you're digging deep!
Great find and write up. Thanks!
Are you planning on presenting/publishing your research somehow?
acute normovolemic hemodilution.
hemodilution simply refers to the process of diluting the blood with another substance.
there are various ways that this is done before, during and after the surgical process.
Wow, you're digging deep!
Great find and write up. Thanks!
Are you planning on presenting/publishing your research somehow?
the missing song 151 now titled "the revealing of god's sons" shows up with the september edition of tv.jw.
no words or score on the jw page yet.
can't say that it sounds any different than any of the other songs they produce now.
@Half Banana,
You remind me of an older brother in my town who consistently read 'organism' as 'orgasm'. Book studies became a lot more interesting with him ;-)
The same brother commented on how immoral the world had become during a FS meeting. "There used to be only naked women on television...but now you'll even see naked men! Disgusting!"
the missing song 151 now titled "the revealing of god's sons" shows up with the september edition of tv.jw.
no words or score on the jw page yet.
can't say that it sounds any different than any of the other songs they produce now.
And then with Christ, these sons of God......Will wage the final war.
The joyous marriage to the Lamb
Will last forevermore.
1) Of course it has to be repeated over and over that this is about God's sons. Even anointed women are sons, not daughters. Because females are worth much less than men. At least to Snowy Christ and his Seven Dwarfs. And that God dude.
2) So these 'sons of god' (including the forced transgenders) will marry their own brother! Ewk! Now I suddenly realize what the anointed mean when they say 'Jesus comes soon' and 'Christ's second coming'. Must be a heavenly wedding night...
“The one who bears witness of these things says, ‘Yes, I am coming quickly.’"
“Amen! Come, Lord Jesus.”
so i was talking with my daughter the other day and she tells me that she doesn't want me to push my beliefs on her.i am agnostic.
which isn't a belief.
it's a lack of belief.
This is not a fight. There are no sides. There is no contest to be won. Both of you can only lose if you push her away...
Don't teach your kid what to (not) think or believe. Help her understand how to think and research.
Let her draw her own conclusions. Yes, they may be different from your conclusions.
Ask questions. Not to shame, be to understand what she thinks and why.
Ask questions. Not to destroy and attack, but to provoke her to actually think.
Oh btw...if your daughter actually said you shouldn't be pushy (did she really say so?), you were pushy. Even if you were not. Try to figure out why she feels that way. It can help you improve your relationship with her.
i still go to the meetings because of my in wife and it came about that the elders knew of my pissed off attitude about the society getting involved in the un.
so the elders said they could help me get over that and wanted to meet with me.
now just to let you know, i have only told my wife and her mom so far about it, that's it.
Marking is a quite rare phenomenon. DFing is much more common.
In my 35 years in, I knew the policy exists, but never heard of anyone being marked. An 50+ born in elder in my congo also never heard anyone being marked in a talk.
Until a sister in my congo yelled at and insulted an elder in the kh. On her way out, she did the same to an other elder. She also somewhat assaulted this elder by grabbing/pulling his tie while shouting at him. Her husband stood by and did nothing.
Since they refused to talk to elders after that, and wouldn't apologize, they were 'marked' in a talk. Without naming them, first the marking procedure was explained ('marked men are not DF, but don't socialize except at meetings. When talking to them, encourage to set things straight with Jehovah'). Then the unruly behavior (shouting at and assaulting other JWs) was explained as bad behavior. So far, it didn't help the elders much as they are still waiting for their apologies...
1. the creation story taken literally: god created all "kinds".
from what is a kind?
: the biblical “kinds” seem to constitute divisions of life-forms wherein each division allows for cross-fertility within its limits.
Last week I found out you and I got it all wrong. A JW educated me on the topic.
You see, there are (a handful of) fertile hybrid species. These are evidence that *all* the different species within a kind can interbreed. It also makes it completely logical that Insight claims only 43 'kinds' of species in the ark led to today's variety. It's not evidence of relatively recently diverged lineages by evolution at all....
so we were talking about noah for our family worship tonight and it ended with a little debate between me and my parents about how the flood was possible.
you know, where did the water come from, how did all the animals fit, etc.
of course it led nowhere and my parents came up with some strange theories like that there was "an expanse of water in the sky" and that's where all the water came from.
You don't have to be stupid or gullible to be seduced by a cult. Especially not when born into it.
See this excellent video by Theramintrees that explains how even smart people can be led to believe utter nonsense:
I highly recommend you watch his other videos as well
sounds familiar?.
interestingly, religion isn't mentioned in the video at all, so it could be a good, neutral conversation starter....
Sounds familiar?
Interestingly, religion isn't mentioned in the video at all, so it could be a good, neutral conversation starter...
since most people are not aware on how to get (free*) access to scientific papers and journals, so here's a short list of resources.. search for the paper.
maybe you'll get lucky and find it somewhere for free.. if you can only find a paid for version of the paper, get the title, doi (sort of like an isbn number) and link to the download page of the paper on the paysite.. if you don't know the doi, find it by searching your paper's title on
go to the libgen site (links here: ) and search for the paper.
I'm really interested in whatever result you come up with.
Comparing the timing of JW policy changes to scientific studies related to blood...great topic!